Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Keto Journey Day Two

Dinner on Day One,  a little less than one whole egg and a packet of mayo. Notice her meds have to be crushed and put on her food, any syrups are not allowed.
Dessert Day One, a couple strawberries
Lainey waiting for Breakfast on Day Two, she was hungry!
Today we are learning how to check her ketone levels, which involves her peeing on a test strip. We also have to check blood glucose levels daily. You can see that she did get her IV in the picture above. Thank goodness for good IV technicians. Last night, I got to go home and see the boys and daddy had a sleepover party with Lainey at the hospital. When I got home the Granny and brothers had prepared a relaxing spa gift for me, it was so nice to have a bath scrub, conditioner and chocolate face mask. I read some of my new book Keto Kid and it was so enlightening, I may recommend it for our friends and family, so they can be educated on the emotional and physical changes Lainey will be going through and how to support her best during this therapy. Luckily she is so young that she won't notice how others get to eat things she doesn't and she isn't in school yet.

Breakfast Day Two Ratio 2:1
Scrambled eggs with cheese and butter
A couple grapes
KetoCal drink

Lunch Day Two Ratio 2:1
Sliced Turkey with mayo, cooked carrots with butter
KetoCal drink

It is so good that Lainey likes the KetoCal drink because it is a good source of high unsaturated fats. She won't have to eat so much butter and heavy whipping cream. Her ketones are slowly increasing as she reaches full ketosis. I keep having to resist the temptation to give her a cracker because I think she is hungry. And I feel guilty about eating in front of her. I feel as if when we get home, I may not allow snacking around her. I don't know how it will play out.

She hasn't had a wet diaper since we have been in the hospital even over night. We keep sitting her on the potty because that is where we check her ketone levels. This event might naturally turn into her being potty trained, wouldn't that be great?

The diabetes nurse educator came and brought our glucose monitor and showed me how to use it and we did a check on the machine we will use at home. It seems really easy and I plan on doing it myself the rest of our hospital stay to make sure that no complications arise with the unit.

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