Thursday, June 7, 2012

Keto Journey Day Three

Last night was rough for Andy and Lainey. She had a seizure at 6:30 pm and then had two more around midnight. Andy said that she was up and down all night long. It didn't help that they had a monitor beeping and then drew blood at 4:00 am. If the nurses really wanted to be helpful they wouldn't bother you all night long. Especially for a seizure kid that needs a full nights sleep. When I got here this morning she had another seizure right before breakfast. It was a pretty strong one and since the nurse hadn't brought her meds yet we gave her one of our clonopan. Apparently, they don't like you to take your own medication, we got slapped on the wrist. She ate all her keto breakfast and then had a bowel movement all by herself. I was worried we were going to have to do an enema since she hadn't had a movement in five days. Today the dietician is going to increase her ratio a little higher and then we can plan some meals for when we go home. Looks like we will be making a Whole Foods stop on our way. We did find a bread that was only one card, it is $7.99 a loaf and is shipped from California. Those West Coast people got the monopoly on healthy living. Why is that? Day three went very smoothly she moved into high ketones by the end of the day. I am still trying to figure out how to incorporate her meds into her meals, since they are so small. I don't want every bite she takes to taste awful and create in her an aversion to food. Luckily, beginning next week she will start weening off the Topomax!! Woo hoo, I did not like that medication. And I wasn't even taking it!

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