Friday, June 15, 2012

Batch Cooking and Melt Downs

Results of mac and cheese batch cooking

I attempted to batch cook the Miracle Mac and Cheese, the recipe is available on It was tedious because you have to measure everything out separatly. It is not a dish you can just make a large amount of and split up. You have to do everything separate. I only had plastic bags and then one empty plastic baby food container. The plastic bags are not going to work because you can't scrape all of the butter out into a dish. My friend had collected a ton of the baby food containers so I am going to use those from now on. I also found a perfect spatula at Target. It is by Nordic Ware and for kids helping to bake in the kitchen and comes in a package of three, see below. But it fits well in Lainey's mouth and gets every last drop from a bowl.
Product [image]

One of the boys left their cookie on the table within reach of Lainey. Big NO NO. This is going to be quite and adjustment for them as well.

Melt Down Story, Mine not Lainey's

Yesterday I had a source of nervous breakdown. Lainey had a seizure that morning, my house was a wreck, I didn't have any of her information organized. All of the keto recipes and her medical information was piled on my kitchen counter. I felt out of control and I needed to pull it together.  I needed my mom. Yep, sometimes I grown woman just needs her mom. But my mom lives an hour away and it just wasn't feasible to even ask. So luckily, my gracious father in law kept the kiddos for me for a couple of hours. I went and picked some supplies from the store, like the spatula above, mopped all the floors in the house. Put all of Lainey's keto information into a pink binder and recipes in plastic sleeves in the binder. I got myself organized and it felt great. For family members of someone either starting or on the diet here is a word of advice: offer to watch the kids so a mom can take some time to herself or do some extra cooking or cleaning, it would mean so much to them to be able to breathe in solitude!

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