Monday, July 16, 2012

Cooking Frenzy

I decided to use the time this morning while waiting for Lainey's therapist to arrive and her big bubby was keeping her occupied to do some cooking. I had wanted to try a few recipes using KetoCal 4:1 powder. I used Sugar-free Jello raspberry flavored and KetoCal to make a pudding. I have read that the aspartame might be a problem for some kids, so I will try it and then see how it goes since Lainey has not yet achieved seizure freedom. Also, I am excited to try the Chia Pudding recipe from Here is a step by step direction for this meal. My dietician had tweaked the recipe to Lainey's specs.

Gather ingredients. In this photo I show stevia powder, that is before I realized Truvia was calculated in the recipe. 

Here is what it looks like in ketocalculator    
Measure all ingredients in SEPARATE bowls. So very important.
Mix everything together.
Refrigerate four hours or overnight. We will see how it turns out tomorrow!

I also made the macadamia nut pancakes. They were a little dry, so I am going to see how to fix this in the future. But Lainey loved them anyways. I was glad because this is one of the few meals she can practice feeding herself with. I am too nervous to let her use a spoon because she is a food thrower, flinger extraordinaire.

I stored them in the fridge, separated by nonstick foil.

KetoCal fudge, chia pudding, KetoCal pudding, KetoCal cobbler. Yes, I invested in some pyrex!!

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